
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda install python-igraph

See for instructions on Windows installation of python-igraph.

Activate the environment:

conda activate argentina-transport

Set up the atra package (this project) for development use:

python develop


The macroeconomic loss model uses GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) via its python API. GAMS provide installation and licensing instructions.


The location of data and output files are configured by a config.json file. To point the scripts to the shared folder locations:

  • copy config.template.json to config.json
  • edit config.json to provide the paths to your working copy of your system directories (scripts may assume that file locations within the shared folders are consistent)
    • incoming_data: /incoming_data
    • data: /data
    • figures: /figures
    • output: /results

Note that on Windows, you will need to use double backslashes (\\) in the file paths, for example:

"data": "C:\\Users\\Username\\projects\\atra\\data"