Source code for atra.plot.population_maps

"""Plot country and administrative areas
import os
import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from atra.utils import *
import matplotlib as mpl'ggplot')
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 11.

#mpl.rcParams[''] = 'tahoma'
mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14.
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 11.
mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 11.
mpl.rcParams['savefig.pad_inches'] = 0.05

[docs]def main(config): """Read shapes, plot map """ figure_names = ['2010-census','2015-census'] # for f_i in range(len(figure_names)): for f_i in range(0,1): output_file = os.path.join(config['paths']['figures'], '{}.png'.format(figure_names[f_i])) ax = get_axes() plot_basemap(ax, config['paths']['data']) scale_bar(ax, location=(0.8, 0.05)) plot_basemap_labels(ax, config['paths']['data'], include_regions=True,include_zorder=3) proj_lat_lon = ccrs.PlateCarree() if f_i == 0: hazard_file = os.path.join(config['paths']['incoming_data'], '3','radios censales','radioscensales.shp') # Regions for record in shpreader.Reader(hazard_file).records(): region_val = record.attributes['poblacion'] color = '#e0e0e0' geom = record.geometry if region_val: if region_val > 0 and region_val <= 1000: color = '#ffffcc' # TODO ax.add_geometries([geom], crs=proj_lat_lon, edgecolor='#ffffff', facecolor=color,label = '0 to 1000') elif region_val > 500 and region_val <= 2000: color = '#c7e9b4' # TODO ax.add_geometries([geom], crs=proj_lat_lon, edgecolor='#ffffff', facecolor=color,label = '1000 to 2000') elif region_val > 2000 and region_val <= 3000: color = '#7fcdbb' # TODO ax.add_geometries([geom], crs=proj_lat_lon, edgecolor='#ffffff', facecolor=color,label = '2000 to 3000') elif region_val > 3000 and region_val <= 4000: color = '#41b6c4' # TODO ax.add_geometries([geom], crs=proj_lat_lon, edgecolor='#ffffff', facecolor=color,label = '3000 to 4000') if region_val > 4000 and region_val <= 5000: color = '#2c7fb8' # TODO ax.add_geometries([geom], crs=proj_lat_lon, edgecolor='#ffffff', facecolor=color,label = '4000 to 5000') elif region_val > 5000 and region_val <= 6000: color = '#253494' # TODO ax.add_geometries([geom], crs=proj_lat_lon, edgecolor='#ffffff', facecolor=color,label = '5000 to 6000') else: ax.add_geometries([geom], crs=proj_lat_lon, edgecolor='#ffffff', facecolor=color,label = 'No value') colors = ['#ffffcc','#c7e9b4','#7fcdbb','#41b6c4','#2c7fb8','#253494','#e0e0e0'] labels = ['0 to 1000','1000 to 2000','2000 to 3000','3000 to 4000','4000 to 5000','5000 to 6000','No value'] # Legend legend_handles = [] for c in range(len(colors)): legend_handles.append(mpatches.Patch(color=colors[c], label=labels[c])) ax.legend( handles=legend_handles, title = 'Population numbers', loc='lower right' ) else: hazard_file = os.path.join(config['paths']['incoming_data'], '2','radios censales','radioscensales.shp') # Create color map colors = plt.get_cmap('YlBuGn') # Read in raster data data, lat_lon_extent = get_data(hazard_file) data[(data <= 0) | (data > 5)] = np.nan max_val = np.nanmax(data) norm=mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=max_val) # Plot population data im = ax.imshow(data, extent=lat_lon_extent,transform=proj_lat_lon, cmap=colors,norm =norm, zorder=2) # Add colorbar cbar = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax,fraction=0.1, shrink=0.87,pad=0.01, drawedges=False, orientation='horizontal', norm=mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=max_val), ticks=list(np.linspace(0,max_val,3))) cbar.set_clim(vmin=0,vmax=max_val) cbar.outline.set_color("none")'black')'Population estimates',fontsize=12,color='black') plt.title(figure_names[f_i], fontsize = 14) save_fig(output_file) plt.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': CONFIG = load_config() main(CONFIG)