Source code for atra.utils

"""Shared plotting functions
import csv
import json
import math
import os

from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict

import as ccrs
import as shpreader
import fiona
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from boltons.iterutils import pairwise
from geopy.distance import vincenty
from osgeo import gdal

import shapely.geometry
import shapely.ops
from boltons.iterutils import pairwise
from colour import Color
from geopy.distance import vincenty
from osgeo import gdal
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, shape

[docs]def load_config(): """Read config.json """ config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'config.json') with open(config_path, 'r') as config_fh: config = json.load(config_fh) return config
[docs]def transform_geo_file(source_file, sink_file, sink_schema, transform_record): """Transform a fiona-readable file Parameters ---------- source_file: str source file path sink_file: str destination file path sink_schema: dict fiona schema for output transform_record: function function that accepts a fiona record and returns a fiona record or None """ with as source: if any( crs = else: crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'} with sink_file, 'w', driver=source.driver, crs=crs, schema=sink_schema) as sink: for record in source: out_record = transform_record(record) if out_record is not None: sink.write(out_record)
[docs]def get_axes(extent=(-74.04, -52.90, -20.29, -57.38), epsg=None): """Get map axes Default to Argentina extent // Lambert Conformal projection """ if epsg is not None: ax_proj = ccrs.epsg(epsg) else: x0, x1, y0, y1 = extent cx = x0 + ((x1 - x0) / 2) cy = y0 + ((y1 - y0) / 2) ax_proj = ccrs.TransverseMercator(central_longitude=cx, central_latitude=cy) print(" * Setup axes") plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10), dpi=300) ax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.025, 0.95, 0.95], projection=ax_proj) proj = ccrs.PlateCarree() ax.set_extent(extent, crs=proj) set_ax_bg(ax) return ax
[docs]def save_fig(output_filename): print(" * Save", os.path.basename(output_filename)) plt.savefig(output_filename)
[docs]def set_ax_bg(ax, color='#c6e0ff'): """Set axis background color """ ax.background_patch.set_facecolor(color)
[docs]def plot_basemap(ax, data_path, focus='ARG', neighbours=('CHL', 'BOL', 'PRY', 'BRA', 'URY'), country_border='white', plot_regions=True): """Plot countries and regions background """ proj = ccrs.PlateCarree() states_filename = os.path.join( data_path, 'boundaries', 'admin_0_boundaries.shp' ) provinces_filename = os.path.join( data_path, 'boundaries', 'admin_1_boundaries.shp' ) lakes_filename = os.path.join( data_path, 'boundaries', 'physical_lakes.shp' ) # Neighbours print(" * Load countries") for record in shpreader.Reader(states_filename).records(): country_code = record.attributes['ISO_A3'] if country_code == focus or country_code in neighbours: geom = record.geometry ax.add_geometries( [geom], crs=proj, edgecolor=country_border, facecolor='#e0e0e0', zorder=1) # Regions if plot_regions: print(" * Load regions") for record in shpreader.Reader(provinces_filename).records(): geom = record.geometry ax.add_geometries([geom], crs=proj, edgecolor='#ffffff', facecolor='#d2d2d2') # Lakes print(" * Load lakes") for record in shpreader.Reader(lakes_filename).records(): geom = record.geometry ax.add_geometries( [geom], crs=proj, edgecolor='none', facecolor='#c6e0ff', zorder=1)
[docs]def plot_basemap_labels(ax, data_path, labels=None, include_regions=False, include_zorder=2): """Plot countries and regions background """ proj = ccrs.PlateCarree() extent = ax.get_extent() if labels is None: labels = load_labels(data_path, include_regions) for text, x, y, size in labels: if within_extent(x, y, extent): ax.text( x, y, text, alpha=0.7, size=size, horizontalalignment='center', zorder = include_zorder, transform=proj)
[docs]def load_labels(data_path, include_regions): labels_filename = os.path.join( data_path, 'boundaries', 'admin_0_labels.csv' ) region_labels_filename = os.path.join( data_path, 'boundaries', 'admin_1_labels.csv' ) labels = [] with open(labels_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as fh: reader = csv.reader(fh) header = next(reader) assert header == ['text', 'lon', 'lat', 'size'] labels = [(text, float(lon), float(lat), int(size)) for text, lon, lat, size in reader] region_labels = [] if include_regions: with open(region_labels_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as fh: reader = csv.reader(fh) header = next(reader) assert header == ['text', 'lon', 'lat', 'size'] region_labels = [(text, float(lon), float(lat), int(size)) for text, lon, lat, size in reader] return labels + region_labels
[docs]def within_extent(x, y, extent): """Test x, y coordinates against (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) extent """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent return (xmin < x) and (x < xmax) and (ymin < y) and (y < ymax)
[docs]def scale_bar(ax, length=100, location=(0.5, 0.05), linewidth=3): """Draw a scale bar Adapted from Parameters ---------- ax : axes length : int length of the scalebar in km. location: tuple center of the scalebar in axis coordinates (ie. 0.5 is the middle of the plot) linewidth: float thickness of the scalebar. """ # lat-lon limits llx0, llx1, lly0, lly1 = ax.get_extent(ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Transverse mercator for length x = (llx1 + llx0) / 2 y = lly0 + (lly1 - lly0) * location[1] tmc = ccrs.TransverseMercator(x, y) # Extent of the plotted area in coordinates in metres x0, x1, y0, y1 = ax.get_extent(tmc) # Scalebar location coordinates in metres sbx = x0 + (x1 - x0) * location[0] sby = y0 + (y1 - y0) * location[1] bar_xs = [sbx - length * 500, sbx + length * 500] # Plot the scalebar and label ax.plot(bar_xs, [sby, sby], transform=tmc, color='k', linewidth=linewidth) ax.text(sbx, sby + 50*length, str(length) + ' km', transform=tmc, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', size=8)
[docs]def generate_weight_bins(weights, n_steps=9, width_step=0.01, interpolation='linear'): """Given a list of weight values, generate <n_steps> bins with a width value to use for plotting e.g. weighted network flow maps. """ min_weight = min(weights) max_weight = max(weights) width_by_range = OrderedDict() if interpolation == 'linear': mins = np.linspace(min_weight, max_weight, n_steps) elif interpolation == 'log': mins = np.geomspace(min_weight, max_weight, n_steps) else: raise ValueError('Interpolation must be log or linear') maxs = list(mins) maxs.append(max_weight*10) maxs = maxs[1:] assert len(maxs) == len(mins) if interpolation == 'log': scale = np.geomspace(1, len(mins),len(mins)) else: scale = np.linspace(1,len(mins),len(mins)) for i, (min_, max_) in enumerate(zip(mins, maxs)): width_by_range[(min_, max_)] = scale[i] * width_step return width_by_range
Style = namedtuple('Style', ['color', 'zindex', 'label']) Style.__doc__ += """: class to hold an element's styles Used to generate legend entries, apply uniform style to groups of map elements (See for example.) """
[docs]def legend_from_style_spec(ax, styles, loc='lower left'): """Plot legend """ handles = [ mpatches.Patch(color=style.color, label=style.label) for style in styles.values() ] ax.legend( handles=handles, loc=loc )
[docs]def round_sf(x, places=1): """Round number to significant figures """ if x == 0: return 0 sign = x / abs(x) x = abs(x) exp = math.floor(math.log10(x)) + 1 shift = 10 ** (exp - places) rounded = round(x / shift) * shift return rounded * sign
[docs]def get_data(filename): """Read in data (as array) and extent of each raster """ gdal.UseExceptions() ds = gdal.Open(filename) data = ds.ReadAsArray() data[data < 0] = 0 gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() # get the edge coordinates width = ds.RasterXSize height = ds.RasterYSize xres = gt[1] yres = gt[5] xmin = gt[0] xmax = gt[0] + (xres * width) ymin = gt[3] + (yres * height) ymax = gt[3] lat_lon_extent = (xmin, xmax, ymax, ymin) return data, lat_lon_extent
[docs]def line_length(line, ellipsoid='WGS-84'): """Length of a line in meters, given in geographic coordinates. Adapted from Args: line: a shapely LineString object with WGS-84 coordinates. ellipsoid: string name of an ellipsoid that `geopy` understands (see Returns: Length of line in kilometers. """ if line.geometryType() == 'MultiLineString': return sum(line_length(segment) for segment in line) return sum( vincenty(tuple(reversed(a)), tuple(reversed(b)), ellipsoid=ellipsoid).kilometers for a, b in pairwise(line.coords) )
[docs]def gdf_geom_clip(gdf_in, clip_geom): """Filter a dataframe to contain only features within a clipping geometry Parameters --------- gdf_in geopandas dataframe to be clipped in province_geom shapely geometry of province for what we do the calculation Returns ------- filtered dataframe """ return gdf_in.loc[gdf_in['geometry'].apply(lambda x: x.within(clip_geom))].reset_index(drop=True)
[docs]def get_nearest_node(x, sindex_input_nodes, input_nodes, id_column): """Get nearest node in a dataframe Parameters ---------- x row of dataframe sindex_nodes spatial index of dataframe of nodes in the network nodes dataframe of nodes in the network id_column name of column of id of closest node Returns ------- Nearest node to geometry of row """ return input_nodes.loc[list(sindex_input_nodes.nearest(x.bounds[:2]))][id_column].values[0]
[docs]def get_nearest_node_within_region(x, input_nodes, id_column, region_id): select_nodes = input_nodes.loc[input_nodes[region_id] == x[region_id]] # print (input_nodes) if len(select_nodes.index) > 0: select_nodes = select_nodes.reset_index() sindex_input_nodes = select_nodes.sindex return select_nodes.loc[list(sindex_input_nodes.nearest(x.geometry.bounds[:2]))][id_column].values[0] else: return ''
[docs]def extract_nodes_within_gdf(x, input_nodes, column_name): a = list(input_nodes.geometry.within(x.geometry)) if len(input_nodes.loc[a][column_name].values) > 0: return input_nodes.loc[list(a)][column_name].values[0] else: return input_nodes.loc[list(input_nodes.sindex.nearest(x.geometry.bounds[:2]))][column_name].values[0]
# return input_nodes.loc[list(input_nodes.geometry.within(x.geometry))][column_name].values[0]
[docs]def count_points_in_polygon(x, points_sindex): """Count points in a polygon Parameters ---------- x row of dataframe points_sindex spatial index of dataframe with points in the region to consider Returns ------- Number of points in polygon """ return len(list(points_sindex.intersection(x.bounds)))
[docs]def gdf_clip(shape_in,clip_geom): """ Inputs are: shape_in -- path string to shapefile to be clipped Outputs are: province_geom -- shapely geometry of province for what we do the calculation """ gdf = gpd.read_file(shape_in) gdf = gdf.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'}) return gdf.loc[gdf['geometry'].apply(lambda x: x.within(clip_geom))].reset_index(drop=True)
[docs]def extract_value_from_gdf(row, gdf_sindex, gdf, column_name): """ Inputs are: row -- row of dataframe gdf_sindex -- spatial index of dataframe of which we want to extract the value gdf -- GeoDataFrame of which we want to extract the value column_name -- column that contains the value we want to extract Outputs are: extracted value from other gdf """ return gdf.loc[list(gdf_sindex.intersection(row.geometry.bounds[:2]))][column_name].values[0]
[docs]def extract_gdf_values_containing_nodes(x, sindex_input_gdf, input_gdf, column_name): a = input_gdf.loc[list(input_gdf.geometry.contains(x.geometry))] if len(a.index) > 0: return a[column_name].values[0] else: return get_nearest_node(x.geometry, sindex_input_gdf, input_gdf, column_name)
[docs]def assign_value_in_area_proportions(poly_1_gpd, poly_2_gpd, poly_attribute): poly_1_sindex = poly_1_gpd.sindex for p_2_index, polys_2 in poly_2_gpd.iterrows(): poly2_attr = 0 intersected_polys = poly_1_gpd.iloc[list( poly_1_sindex.intersection(polys_2.geometry.bounds))] for p_1_index, polys_1 in intersected_polys.iterrows(): if (polys_2['geometry'].intersects(polys_1['geometry']) is True) and (polys_1.geometry.is_valid is True) and (polys_2.geometry.is_valid is True): poly2_attr += polys_1[poly_attribute]*polys_2['geometry'].intersection( polys_1['geometry']).area/polys_1['geometry'].area poly_2_gpd.loc[p_2_index, poly_attribute] = poly2_attr return poly_2_gpd
[docs]def assign_value_in_area_proportions_within_common_region(poly_1_gpd, poly_2_gpd, poly_attribute, common_region_id): poly_1_sindex = poly_1_gpd.sindex for p_2_index, polys_2 in poly_2_gpd.iterrows(): poly2_attr = 0 poly2_id = polys_2[common_region_id] intersected_polys = poly_1_gpd.iloc[list( poly_1_sindex.intersection(polys_2.geometry.bounds))] for p_1_index, polys_1 in intersected_polys.iterrows(): if (polys_1[common_region_id] == poly2_id) and (polys_2['geometry'].intersects(polys_1['geometry']) is True) and (polys_1.geometry.is_valid is True) and (polys_2.geometry.is_valid is True): poly2_attr += polys_1[poly_attribute]*polys_2['geometry'].intersection( polys_1['geometry']).area/polys_1['geometry'].area poly_2_gpd.loc[p_2_index, poly_attribute] = poly2_attr return poly_2_gpd
[docs]def voronoi_finite_polygons_2d(vor, radius=None): """Reconstruct infinite voronoi regions in a 2D diagram to finite regions. Source: Parameters ---------- vor : Voronoi Input diagram radius : float, optional Distance to 'points at infinity' Returns ------- regions : list of tuples Indices of vertices in each revised Voronoi regions. vertices : list of tuples Coordinates for revised Voronoi vertices. Same as coordinates of input vertices, with 'points at infinity' appended to the end """ if vor.points.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("Requires 2D input") new_regions = [] new_vertices = vor.vertices.tolist() center = vor.points.mean(axis=0) if radius is None: radius = vor.points.ptp().max()*2 # Construct a map containing all ridges for a given point all_ridges = {} for (p1, p2), (v1, v2) in zip(vor.ridge_points, vor.ridge_vertices): all_ridges.setdefault(p1, []).append((p2, v1, v2)) all_ridges.setdefault(p2, []).append((p1, v1, v2)) # Reconstruct infinite regions for p1, region in enumerate(vor.point_region): vertices = vor.regions[region] if all(v >= 0 for v in vertices): # finite region new_regions.append(vertices) continue # reconstruct a non-finite region ridges = all_ridges[p1] new_region = [v for v in vertices if v >= 0] for p2, v1, v2 in ridges: if v2 < 0: v1, v2 = v2, v1 if v1 >= 0: # finite ridge: already in the region continue # Compute the missing endpoint of an infinite ridge t = vor.points[p2] - vor.points[p1] # tangent t /= np.linalg.norm(t) n = np.array([-t[1], t[0]]) # normal midpoint = vor.points[[p1, p2]].mean(axis=0) direction = np.sign( - center, n)) * n far_point = vor.vertices[v2] + direction * radius new_region.append(len(new_vertices)) new_vertices.append(far_point.tolist()) # sort region counterclockwise vs = np.asarray([new_vertices[v] for v in new_region]) c = vs.mean(axis=0) angles = np.arctan2(vs[:, 1] - c[1], vs[:, 0] - c[0]) new_region = np.array(new_region)[np.argsort(angles)] # finish new_regions.append(new_region.tolist()) return new_regions, np.asarray(new_vertices)