atra.mrio package


atra.mrio.create_mrio module

atra.mrio.ras_method module

RAS Method


Estimate a new matrix X with exogenously given row and column totals that is a close as possible to a given original matrix X0 using the Generalized RAS (GRAS) approach


X = gras(X0, u, v) OR [X, r, s] = gras(X0, u, v) with or without eps included as the fourth argument, where


  • X0 = benchmark (base) matrix, not necessarily square
  • u = column vector of (new) row totals
  • v = column vector of (new) column totals
  • eps = convergence tolerance level; if empty, the default threshold is 0.1e-5 (=0.000001)


  • X = estimated/adjusted/updated matrix
  • r = substitution effects (row multipliers)
  • s = fabrication effects (column multipliers)


  1. Junius T. and J. Oosterhaven (2003), The solution of updating or regionalizing a matrix with both positive and negative entries, Economic Systems Research, 15, pp. 87-96.
  2. Lenzen M., R. Wood and B. Gallego (2007), Some comments on the GRAS method, Economic Systems Research, 19, pp. 461-465.
  3. Temurshoev, U., R.E. Miller and M.C. Bouwmeester (2013), A note on the GRAS method, Economic Systems Research, 25, pp. 361-367.
ras_method(X0, u, v, eps=1e-05, print_out=False)[source]